CultivArt of Perth has been awarded “Best Of Houzz 2014” by Houzz, the leading platform for home remodelling and design, for the second consecutive year. We were chosen by the more than 16 million monthly international users that comprise the Houzz community. The Best of Houzz is awarded for two categories: Customer satisfaction and Design. CultivArt’s work was the most popular among the more than 16 million users on Houzz, known as “Houzzers”, who saved more than 230 million professional images of home exteriors, outdoor designs, and home interiors to their personal ideabooks via the Houzz site, iPad/iPhone and Android app. We have received a “Best Of Houzz 2014″ badge on our Houzz profile, showing the Houzz community our commitment to excellence. These badges help homeowners identify popular and top-rated design professionals in every genre of home and landscape creation.