Stage 3: Final Drawings
This stage starts with another meeting to discuss changes, amendments and development of the design. The plan will then be finalised to indicate dimensions, lighting positions, details where required, planting selections and scheduling and soil and cultural notes. Once the plans are complete I will contact you for a final meeting to discuss the design and refer you to one of my installing landscapers. They will quote directly to you, but I will remain engaged with the project during installation.
Fee Estimate Provided based on standard hourly rate of $200 + GST
- A detailed layout plan showing all hard landscaping, materials, levels, dimensions and lighting.
- A tree plan showing the position of all trees
- A planting plan showing all understorey planting
- A tree and planting schedule show quantities and pots sizes for all plants on the plan. These are numerically cross referenced to your plan for ease of interpretation
- Soil and cultural notes for the specification of soil preparation and other details
- Lighting layout: Positions and types of feature lighting, mood lighting and foliage lighting
- Material Selections
FEE: $200 per hour + GST (Payment is required for this stage of the design when it is collected.)