Janine Mendel
Landscape Designer Perth
Dip. Landscape Design; Assoc Dip. Horticulture; Cert. Arch. Drafting/Building Design
I founded CultivArt Landscape Design in 1987 and it was a career change for me. I started out as a Cartographer, and then did a certificate in Architectural Drafting and Building Design at TAFE. It seemed like a natural progression to move into landscape design as I have always felt that landscaping and architecture can’t be separated, they are one. I enrolled in horticulture as at that time there was no course in landscape design.
My background in building design taught me the fundamental aspects of design such as colour, texture, form, line, proportion, repetition, scale unity and rhythm.
I have now been designing gardens for 35 years and have designed more than 3000 gardens and landscapes, from tiny contemporary courtyards to large formal estates.
I have resisted the temptation to hang my hat on any particular style, preferring to avoid fleeting or passing trends. I prefer to respond to my client’s lifestyle, the architecture of their home and their own personal style. Within the bounds of good taste, I like to design unique, timeless gardens that surpass popular current trends. I believe there is an enormous difference between good design and ‘on trend styling’.